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 The Brothers of Death | Official EFLC Cup | December 17th/18th

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The Brothers of Death | Official EFLC Cup | December 17th/18th Empty
PostSubject: The Brothers of Death | Official EFLC Cup | December 17th/18th   The Brothers of Death | Official EFLC Cup | December 17th/18th I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2011 9:51 pm

So for the Record this are the teams:

1-> [GUDE!] Master Freedy, Force Bullet, TBOD The Joker | Team Leader: TBOD The Joker

2-> [MEE] TBOD Maestro, TBOD Enemy X, TBOD Enigma | Team Leader: TBOD Maestro

3-> [SHARKOON] IKI Smoke, IKI Manniii, I2 EdDy | Team Leader: IKI Smoke

4-> [R2D] R2D I IKiller, R2D I Drag0n, R2D I Phantom | Team Leader: R2D I IKiller

5-> [R'R'D] TBOD The Reaper, The Respectful, TBOD DomiNator | Team Leader: TBOD The Reaper

6-> [The Crazy Killers] R2D I HypErKilL, R2D I CrazyKill, MegaGTA4Master | Team Leader: R2D I CrazyKill

7-> [The Wrecking Crew] Renegade X79, Anoobls, Tomer077x | Team Leader: Renegade X79

8-> [DKS] Danqin Water, ShrunkenMippa, Kubalapa | Team Leader: Danqin Water

Group A

-[The Wrecking Crew]

Group B

-[The Crazy Killers]

Saturday (17th December)

Group A

18:30 GMT | [MEE] vs [DKS]
19:00 GMT | [R2D] vs [The Wrecking Crew]
19:30 GMT | [DKS] vs [R2D]
20:00 GMT | [MEE] vs [The Wrecking Crew]
20:30 GMT | [R2D] vs [MEE]
21:00 GMT | [The Wrecking Crew] vs [DKS]

Group B

18:00 GMT | [GUDE] vs [SHARKOON]
18:30 GMT | [R'R'D] vs [The Crazy Killers]
19:00 GMT | [SHARKOON] vs [The Crazy Killers]
19:30 GMT | [R'R'D] vs [GUDE]
20:00 GMT | [GUDE] vs [The Crazy Killers]
20:30 GMT | [SHARKOON] vs [R'R'D]

The 1st and 2nd of each group will advance to the Quarter Final in 18th December.

Sunday (18th December)

Quarter Final

17:30 GMT | Group A's 1st place vs Group B's 2nd place
18:00 GMT | Group B's 1st place vs Group A's 1st place

19:00 GMT | loser QF1 vs loser QF2


20:00 GMT | winner QF1 vs winner QF2

-Game: TBoGT
-Teams: 8 (if possible)
-players per team: 3 (still in discussion tho)
-Objective mode: TBoGT TDM
-weapons: Automatic, no assault rifles allowed.

Confirmations (confirm your participation!):
-TBOD Maestro
-TBOD DomiNator
-TBOD The Joker
-TBOD Enemy X
-TBOD The Reaper
-TBOD Enigma
-The Respectful
-R2D I IKiller
-R2D I Drag0n
-R2D I Phantom
-Master Freedy
-Force Bullet
-I2 EdDy
-IKI Manniii
-IKI Smoke
-Danqin Water
-R2D I Deadly X
-R2D I RaZor
-R2D I HyPeRkIlL


Teams confirmed: 8
1-> [GUDE!] Master Freedy, Force Bullet, TBOD The Joker | Team Leader: TBOD The Joker

2-> [MEE] TBOD Maestro, TBOD Enemy X, TBOD Enigma | Team Leader: TBOD Maestro

3-> [SHARKOON] IKI Smoke, IKI Manniii, I2 EdDy | Team Leader: IKI Smoke

4-> [R2D] R2D I IKiller, R2D I Drag0n, R2D I Phantom | Team Leader: R2D I IKiller

5-> [R'R'D] TBOD The Reaper, The Respectful, TBOD DomiNator | Team Leader: TBOD The Reaper

6-> [The Crazy Killers] R2D I CrazyKill X, R2D I HypErKilL, MegaGTA4Master | Team Leader: R2D I CrazyKill

7-> [The Wrecking Crew] Renegade X79, Anoobls, Tomer077x | Team Leader: Renegade X79

8-> [DKS] Danqin Water, ShrunkenMippa, Kubalapa | Team Leader: Danqin Water

Group A:

-[The Wrecking Crew]

Group B:

-[The Crazy Killers]
Aditional Info :
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