Reputation system (Evaluation + "Thanks" Button)
The reputation system, if you have noticed, is a sub part of the point system. It also works with points (same as the rank system under your user avatar in the post sections).
Reputation is composed of items related to evaluations by users and items related to the feature "Thank you".
"Thanks" button
The "Thanks" button allows members to select a post as a helpful post by clicking the button it self.
The thanked post(reply,quote) will then change color to indicate that it is helpful.
By clicking the Thanks button you add 5 reputation points to the thanked member.
In order to use the reputation system I've added the + and - signs in the right side to the post (the right side of the screen,listed after the: quote,edit,delete and report buttons)
By clicking the + sign you add 50 reputation points to the user.
those points intend to evaluate the member's reputation-whether he was a helpful and a supporting member or not.
to indicate your selection:
By clicking + you'll notice a green bar appearing under the + sign and 50 reputation points will then be added to the selected member.
By clicking - you'll notice a red bar appearing under the - sign and 50 reputation points will then be reduced from the current amount of reputation points of the selected member.